The  human  life  is  very  uncertain  and  also   short. But  there  are  different  stage  and  also  different colors .  Although, human life is  very valuable for  civilization  of  the world. But  it is  depend  on our  work  and activities. What  we do? What  type of  contribution  keep  in  the  earth? We  must  believe  that  after our death  we  will keep  live  in the  earth by our better work. So, we  everybody  should  do work  for  the people  without  any prize. We  have to lead  our people  for  building better  generation  for  better world.  There  are  renowned  proverb  about  the life that  is  “Life  is not  a  bed  of  roses” .  But  if  we  try to best  level  we  can  make our earth like  heaven  in  different way in different  level .  Because   everybody  want  to lead  life  with  peace  and  love.

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