As a man we have to realize  necessity of other . We would no take only facility, we also fill up their  need  in different way  or  according to his wish . We must believe that every man has want, need and demand. We also believe that human want is unlimited. But we are not capable to fill up all type  of demand . We have more and more limitation . In contrast , we should not be greedy and should not take negative attitude. We have to be proactive  and  optimistic in every step in our life.

Moreover,  we  are  all  dependent  on each other because of  the past  of  nature.  In addition, because  none  of  us are  willing to  meet  all  are  own needs.  That  is  why we,  the  society, the  state  and  even  the  world, have  to  ensure  that  we  have  a good  relationship  with  each other. So the  main thing is  that everyone  is  good, I am  good  too. Besides,  since we  are  dependent on  each other,  we   should  always  look not only  at  our  own interest ,   but  also at  the  advantages   and  disadvantages  of  others. Otherwise,  the  mental  element  of  being good  as  a  human being  in the  society  will  not be  friendship, love and  harmony. Because  only with one’s  own good, with this  selfish  mentality,  real peace of mind,  happiness can not be  achieved.



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