If  you   get  proper   respect  from your  family  and  your  society  then  you  have  be  successful  in  right  place  and  also  in proper  position . In contrast,  if  you  be  a  successful  you have  to maintain  strictly  some condition.  First of all,   you must  make   a  better  beautiful  dream or goal,  Next, you  must  believe  that  you are  the perfect person  for  achieving  the  dream that  means  you have to   keep   full  confidence  to  achieve  your  objective.  In  addition, you  must  build  accurate  design   for  touching  the  goal.  But  it  is  absolutely  true  that any  success  in our  life  do not  get  in easy way.  So  we  have  to believe  strongly   that   the path  of  success  is  always  very  rough and tough. Success  come  in our  life in   return  of  better  well plan,  hardworking, cost of  many time, physical and mental both energy and also continuous process  of practice  and practice and  also  patience. waiting  for success.  Then  you  will   get  success  or   win the  dream.  Otherwise  you  will  fail.Moreover  it  is  certainly  true  that    success always  brings by default   some  happiness  element. For  instance:  money,  honor  love  and  different  type  of  wealth. Hence,  No  compromise  with  dreams in exchange of  something .

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